
Dominique Fourer

Associate professor
PhD in Signal Processing
Jazz pianist and bassist

IUT d'Evry - IBISC (EA 4526)
University of Evry-Val-d'Essonne / Paris-Saclay
E-Mail: dominique(at)fourer(dot)fr






Open positions for 2025-2026 (please send an email with CV, motivation and M1/M2 marks to apply)

Short Biography

Dominique Fourer is a researcher in signal processing and focuses on theory and applications. Since september 2018, he is associate professor with the university of Evry Val d'Essonne and member of the SIAM team at IBISC. Since march 2016, he pursued a postdoctoral position in the field of audio signal processing at IRCAM supervised by Geoffroy Peeters and works since 2015 in the field of signal theory at IREENA (university of Nantes) with François Auger. He defended his Ph.D. thesis in computer sciences in 2013 supervised by Sylvain Marchand at the University of Bordeaux in France where he pursued a postdoctoral position at the LaBRI supervised by Jean-Luc Rouas in 2014. His research interests find applications in digital audio (music and speech) processing but is also in related to physics. As jazz musician (piano and upright bass), he frequently plays with professional artists from Paris, Bordeaux and Saint-Nazaire as side-man and during jam sessions. He was influenced by the following great jazz musicians: Thierry de Micheaux (p), Dominique Muzeau (b), Christophe Chevalier (p) Do Harson, Patrick Bruneau, Philippe Casimir.

Short CV

2018-nowAssociate professor at University of Evry Val d'Essonne and member of the SIAM team at IBISC.
2016-2018Postdoc at IRCAM (Paris, France) with Geoffroy Peeters.
Research in music and audio signal processing in ABC-DJ European project.
2015-2016Postdoc at IREENA (Saint-Nazaire, France) with François Auger.
Research in signal processing theory. Analysis, Synthesis and Transformation by Reassignment, EMD and Synchrosqueezing (ASTRES) project.
2014-2015Postdoc at LaBRI (Bordeaux, France) with Jean-Luc Rouas.
Characterization of the instrumental timbre of ethnomusicological audio recordings.
2013-2014Research Engineer at LaBRI (Bordeaux, France) with Jean-Luc Rouas and Takaaki Shochi. Research and development of tools for manipulating the social affects of audio speech recordings.
2009-2013PhD thesis: Approche informée appliquée à l'analyse du son et de la musique Univ. Bordeaux I, Supervisor: Sylvain Marchand
Jury: Frédéric Bimbot, Geoffroy Peeters, Roland Badeau, Myriam Desainte-Catherine, Charles Dossal, Sylvain Marchand
2008-2009Master degree in applied mathematics (Signal Processing), Univ. Bordeaux I
2007-2008Master degree in computer sciences (speciality: virtual reality), Univ. Bordeaux I

Links (contributions as webmaster)

- Axe transversal IA - Laboratoire IBISC
- Besoin d'un spécialiste ? www.myspecialist.be

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